The exams are just around the corner and it does not convert to be confused when it comes to kneeling the elbows
With exams just around the corner, it is good to remind students of the importance of concentrating to get the most out of study hours. It should be remembered that concentration is key not only to study, but also to achieve success in many phases of our life. Here we propose a series of tips that will help you focus better.
1- sleep well
To achieve correct concentration it is essential to fall asleep without difficulty and that it is restorative, that is, that in the morning we are fresh and awake. If the nerves emerge and we have difficulty sleeping, we can make use of valerian, which will help us relax. It is not convenient to study at dawn, because it costs more to memorize and remember what you have learned.
2- Rest every little time
It is impossible to stay focused on the study for more than an hour. That is why you have to take periodic breaks, go for a walk to relax and if it is in a natural environment, such as a park or a forest, the better. Various studies have confirmed that nature helps reduce attentional fatigue.
3- Eliminate elements that distract us
The mobile phone, the television, the computer? they are elements that surround us and that distract our attention. When studying it is advisable to have an environment free of distractors. It is also important to control the temperature of the study place, ensuring that it is airy, and above all to seek comfort (use a good chair).
4- Do not mix subjects
Make a work plan. Try not to study two completely different subjects at the same time or in a short period (for example, mathematics and literature). Divide your study hours by topics, which will favor the care process.
5- Train your mind
Our cognitive abilities are there and we must train them so that the mind is fast and active. To improve mental capacity wherever you are, there are applications such as 'Brain Trainer Special', or the famous Sudoku, or video games such as 'Brain Training' from Nintendo. About 20 minutes a day of mental training is sufficient.
6- Do not leave everything for the end
Many students have a habit of studying the day before the exam and taking the big beating. It is advisable to eliminate this practice. Divide your study and subjects into days or weeks. Having everything planned a month in advance will facilitate concentration.
7- Control your thoughts
Saying phrases like 'go back to studying' or 'don't get distracted' when we lose concentration will help us stop thinking about what is distracting us and focus on the content of what we are studying.
8- Exercise
Run, hit the gym, play a game of soccer or basketball. Remember the famous quote 'mens sana in corpore sana'. Physical exercise also trains our mind and improves our cognitive ability.
9- Use colors in the texts
Who has not used highlighters to highlight the importance of books? Separating the key data will prevent us from being overwhelmed with so much information and will facilitate memorization.
10- Video games also help
A study at the University of Rochester, in New York, showed that those who played action video games had greater visual selective attention and were able to respond to more stimuli. Also, these people made better use of their attention resources.